Two worlds United
CHF 610.00
Auf Baumwolle Leinwand
60x80 cm
Mixed media
Spray, Pastel, Acrylic, Strucktur Paste
There it was, the moment I waited for. I saw it with my own eyes. The here and what’s to come. Melting together like they know each other forever.
Auf Baumwolle Leinwand
60x80 cm
Mixed media
Spray, Pastel, Acrylic, Strucktur Paste
There it was, the moment I waited for. I saw it with my own eyes. The here and what’s to come. Melting together like they know each other forever.
Auf Baumwolle Leinwand
60x80 cm
Mixed media
Spray, Pastel, Acrylic, Strucktur Paste
There it was, the moment I waited for. I saw it with my own eyes. The here and what’s to come. Melting together like they know each other forever.